4 to 6 p.m.
Music in Beautiful Spaces
The South Beach Chamber Ensemble will be performing a concert of American piano trios: Leonard Bernstein Trio (1937), Paul Schoenfield Café Music (1986), and a world premiere by New World School of the Arts composition student Andrew Logan. Artists include Luis Fernandez, violin; Tony Seepersad, violin; Rafael Ramirez, viola; Michael Andrews, cello; and Ciro Fodere, piano. A wine reception will follow, courtesy of our local South Beach Whole Foods. Purchase tickets online. $20 adults/ $15 students and seniors.
Noon to 2 p.m.
The Green Book Club
Join the Garden's avid readers. Come and join the club to discuss A View From Lazy Point by Carl Safina. Free and open to the public.
6 p.m.
A Poetic Afternoon in Paradice*
Professor Manoucher Parvin makes a brief presentation of his new poetic novel: Out of the Gray: a Concerto for Neurons and Synapses. He will read poems from this fifth novel and discuss Persian culture and poetry. Widely known as a polymath, he has published novels, poems, short stories in the fields of sciences, history, engineering and chess. For information, see www.mparvin.com.
*The ancient word "paradice" means "garden", which is the origin of the English word, "paradise" and similar words in other languages. People inhabiting the Iran of today invented the garden and called it paradice-- over six thousand years ago!
Celebrate National Public
Gardens Day
Gardens Day
Today we celebrate and appreciate all that our nation’s gardens and urban greenspaces offer, from art and education to healthy environments and lifestyles. Join us for a special guided tour of two local gardens designed by acclaimed landscape architect Raymond Jungles: Our newly-renovated garden, and the rooftop garden of the New World Symphony. Tours at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. are limited to 20 participants each and last about an hour. There is a suggestion donation of $5 per person. Meet at the Garden’s entrance plaza. Learn about our nation’s public gardens at www.nationalpublicgardensday.org.
Sunday, May 13
Sunday, May 13
Readings at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Memories of My Mother: Cheerful, Funny Stories About Moms
What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than with storytelling? The “MOM” stories, selected from submissions from across the US, will be read by professional actors Linda Bernhard, Natasha Weisfeld, Andy Quiroga and Giordan Diaz. Tickets are $15, cash only at the door, include tea and cookies and benefit the non-profit Miami Beach Arts Trust and www.miamiartzine.com, the online South Florida arts publication. For information and reservations, email marj@miamiartzine.com or call 305-458-0604.
4 to 6 p.m.
Miami Dance Festival Family Day
Momentum Dance Company presents The Tiger and the Brahmin: a performance of Indian dance by students of Geeta Dias. This popular fable from India tells the story of a trusting Brahmin who finds his kindness to a Tiger betrayed when the Tiger wants to eat him! The Brahmin then seeks help from a colorful cast of characters, including the Elephant, the Water Buffalo, and the Jackal. This production features authentic Bollywood dance, traditional mudras (hand gestures from Indian classical dance that tell the story) and beautiful, colorful costumes from India. For information and reservations (strongly recommended), call 305-673-7256 or 305-858-7002. Free Admission.
Tuesday, May 15
9 a.m. to noon
Art Center Outdoor Drawing Classes
Use the garden as a source of inspiration – Art Center South Florida presents a 6-week series of drawing and painting classes at the beginner/intermediate level with instructor Ariel Baron-Robbins (www.arielbaron-robbins.com). Classes outdoors in the landscape focus on flora and fauna with demonstrations on how to draw accurately from life and how to use watercolor and ink media. Learn the history of floral painting, ranging from Buddhist ink drawings, to the Impressionists, to contemporary artists. Tuition is $220 for six sessions each Tuesday beginning May 15. Register online here.
Thursday, May 17
7 to 9 p.m.
Murder They Vote
Mystery On The Menu presents a one-woman murder mystery play featuring Barbara Fox and audience members who receive lines to read, examine clues, investigate, share information and help solve the crime. Tickets are $38 per person/$21 for Garden members. Advance R, no cancellations or refunds. To make reservations, call 786-683-6078.
Saturday, May 19
10 a.m. to noon
Educational Lecture-Growing Palms and Cycads for South Florida
Learn the secrets to growing some of the most ancient and threatened families of plants that Miami is famous for. This lecture is taught by Jody Haynes of Signature Trees and Palms in Miami, and Director and Editor of the South Florida Palm Society. Among other impressive titles, Haynes is the President of The Cycad Society (www.cycad.org) and co-authored research describing five new cycad species in 2008. Come early or stay late to scope out the Garden’s own cycad and palm collections for a mini field expedition.
Wednesday May 23
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Weston E. Price Foundation Lecture
For information on speakers and programs, call Cindy Hill at 305-496-4591 or see www.onceuponacarrot.com
Thursday, May 24
5:30 to7:30 p.m.
5:30 to7:30 p.m.
Street Safety for Today’s Woman
Miami Dade County Commissioner Sally Heyman, and Women’s Exhibit, along with Miami Beach Police Department’s Neighborhood Resource Office, will discuss street safety, ways to educate and empower women to be prepared but not paranoid, and tips and techniques for making your life safer without changing your lifestyle. Free and open to the public.