10 a.m. to noon
Free Monthly Lecture: Growing Your Own Herbs and Veggies
The practice of growing food sustainably in cities and homes provides great health benefits for those that eat it, as well as the environment. By and large, our society’s landscapes favor ornament over functional value and don’t offer much to provide food for people and wildlife. The more it costs to transport food long distances with rising fuel cost, the greater the need will be for people to grow food closer to where they live.
Dylan and Chris will explain the nuances of producing a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and fruits. Topics covered will include garden design, soil improvement, plant selection (high maintenance vs. low maintenance), organic fertilization and organic pest control. Common and rare edible plants will be sold at the event.
Dylan Terry is the creator of Ready-to-Grow Gardens, a company that specializes in edible garden design, installation, and maintenance for South Florida. He is an advocate of growing food all year long in South Florida and is dedicated to being on-call to helping others do so. Garden sites include homes, schools, businesses, retirement communities and community gardens.
Chris French is a South Florida native and lifelong water enthusiast. He has been an ecological design consultant for five years, helping others to create landscapes that harvest rain, improve soil, and grow food.
Thursday, October 11th
7 to 10 p.m.
Embrace Life Workshop

Sundays, October 14th, 21st, and November 4th
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Digital Photography Workshops
Find the extraordinary within the ordinary by learning photographic techniques such as selective focus, isolating patterns, finding the perfect light, and selective framing. Classes start with an instructional period followed by a guided photo shoot and a critical look at and discussion of students' work.
Students will be guided by Marsha Bradley, a commercial photographer, gardener, and orchid collector. Bradley has been photographing and teaching for 20 years, and has even written a manual that explains the technical side of photography and gives insight into creative vision. The manual is included in the workshop fees.
Fees for the workshop are $40 ($50 for non-members) for one class, $70/$90 for two classes, or $90/$120 if you register for all three. To register, click here!
- Oct. 14 Basic outdoor digital photos
- Oct. 21 Botanical subjects up close and personal
- Nov. 04 Portraiture in the Garden
6 to 11 p.m.
50th Anniversary Celebration
Every year, our Great Table on the Great Lawn dinner brings guests together to celebrate nature and the Garden. This year however, we have something more to celebrate: It's our 50th anniversary, and we are breaking out the good china to create an unforgettable event.
Enjoy Cirque du Soleil style performances from Rainbow Circus, music courtesy of the South Beach Chamber Ensemble, a jazz trio, and a dance DJ. The theme is 60s-era Rat Pack, so expect to see the likes of Sammie Davis Jr., Jackie Gleason, Lucille Ball and others at the dinner table.
The celebration is a two-tiered event: VIP will be from 6 to 8:30 with an open bar and buffet dinner stations. For those who aren't hungry but don't want to miss the party, cocktail reception tickets for entrance after 8:30 are available as well, with access to a dessert buffet and open bar. To register online, click here!