11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wok Star Cooking Workshop

In this workshop, Eleanor will demystify the art of wok cooking. You'll explore new ingredients and learn Asian cutting techniques. There'll be handouts with brands, Asian markets and a handy stir-fry crib sheet. She'll show how easy it is to wok up one-dish meals in 30 minutes and with very little clean up. Three dishes will illustrate her road map approach to cooking. Drinks are sponsored by Barton & Guestier's Bouvray wine and Fiji Water. There'll be giveaways from premium sponsors. Herbs and seasonal vegetables from the Edible Garden may be used in class. Registration and payment is required and space is limited. Members of the Garden receive a $15 discount!
Click here to purchase the August 11 class.
Click here to purchase the September 8 class.
Wednesdays, June 12 through August 14
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Free Summer Eco Arts Camp
REGISTRATION: Click here for quick online registration. For more information on class curriculum, call Winsome Bolt at (305) 305-9141.
Wednesday, August 14
4 to 6 p.m.
Eco Arts Camp Reception
This reception is held every year at the end of our children's Eco Arts Camp to showcase all the beautiful art created by our Eco Youth! This year, the Sunflower Society's theme for the camp was "Art Around the World". Projects are built from recycled and repurposed materials inspired by countries such as China, Jamaica, and England. There will be entertainment, refreshments and appetizers. The Sunflower Society encourages all parents and guardians to attend this celebration and check out what your child's been working on this summer! For more info, contact Winsome Bolt at 305-305-9141.
Wednesday, August 21
6 to 8:30 p.m.
Sharing the Secrets of Shona Art
The Chapungu sculptures that currently grace the Garden are exquisite and beautiful, but the stories behind them are what make them truly great works of art. The Miami Beach Botanical Garden invites you to a special presentation on the fascinating people who carved these impressive monoliths, as told by Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden's Volunteer of the Year, Bob Petzinger.
Bob has designed and lead tours for over 11 years, and lectured on the life, work and influences of artists such as Dale Chihuly, Roy Lichtenstein, Fernando Botero and more. He will be sharing the secrets of the Shona artists from Zimbabwe for one night only, with a lecture starting at 6:30 followed by a guided tour of the artwork in the Garden.
This event is free and open to the public. Complimentary cocktails and appetizers to be served. Sculptures will be for sale, both in the Garden and in the Butterfly Room. REGISTER HERE!

12:30 to 1:45 p.m.
Hatha Yoga Classes
These 45 minute sessions are FREE for members with a suggested $10 donation for non-members. The classes encompass a blend of strengthening, stretching, and relaxation. The instructor, Kiki Fries, is known for her versatile classes which cater to individual interests, levels, and requests. Whether you have never practiced yoga before or you are an advanced practitioner with an area of injury, Kiki will ensure that you leave her class feeling refreshed, revitalized, and harmonized. A yoga practitioner for 14 years, Kiki trained at Ayama Yoga in Aventura, FL and teaches a variety of yoga classes throughout Miami. Trained and certified in Holistic Health Counseling, Integrative Nutrition, and Reiki, Kiki helps students to strengthen the body and the spirit while relaxing the mind.