6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Can It! Making Preserves Workshop

All students will have a chance to taste some of Copperpot's well-known recipes, go home with their own samples, and also take home the jam made during class. So come on by, slow down and jam on! $20/garden members, $25/non-members. Register here.
Friday, October 4 / Sunday, October 6
7 p.m. / 11 a.m.
Mystery on the Menu: An Invitation to Murder
A one-woman interactive murder mystery featuring Barbara Fox is coming to the Garden for two events. Decide how you'll solve the mystery: over brunch or dinner! In both of these murder mysteries several members of the audience will receive parts to read and clues to follow. Tickets are $21 and include soft drinks, cheese and chocolate for the first performance and juice and croissants for the daytime mystery. Reservations are required. Credit cards accepted. Contact Barbara Fox at 786.683.6078 or mysterymenu@aol.com for more information and tickets.
Friday, October 11
6 to 9 p.m.
Out Games Kick Off Party
Click here to visit the facebook page on the Miami Beach World Outgames 2017.
Saturday, October 12
10 a.m. to noon
Advanced Edibles Seminar

Saturday, October 26
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Annual Children's Halloween Party
Every year the Garden sponsors a free children's Halloween party, and every year we scare ourselves with how popular it is! This year, kids can earn a treat at our balloon pop station, carve a pumpkin, touch some brains and eyeballs, and earn a trophy in our costume contest. If you're dying of hunger, we'll show you how to make your own delicious and healthy Halloween-themed snacks, or you can taste what's been brewing in the witches' cauldron. Costume contest is at 1 p.m. Awards include best costume, funniest, and scariest!
Saturday, October 26
8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Ghosts in the Garden
After the children have left, the adults come out to party! Welcome ghosts and ghouls, to our first annual Halloween Ball. This fright night is THE place to party Halloween weekend in Miami Beach, where the corpses become animated to the live tunes of DJ Le Spam and the Spam Allstars. This group currently has a residency at Hoy Como Ayer in Little Havana and is known for their unique blend of improvised electronic jamming and funky dub, latin and hip-hop. MC Octavio "The Crypt Keeper" Campos will be presiding over the festivities.
Don't forget to dress for success; success in our costume contest! And watch out for the face-eating zombies on our Breaking Bath Salts haunted trail! VIP entrance includes finger food (thumbs not included), pick-your-poison cocktails, goodie bag, and an indoor RIP lounge. Food and drinks will be available for sale for general admission. $20/$25 GA for members/non-members, $75/$85 VIP for members/non-members. PRICES INCREASE OCTOBER 18! Purchase your tickets here.