UPDATE: August 4th Showing Canceled! Saturday August 11th, and Sunday August 26th
your weekend off right with a refreshing reminder of the performing
talent Miami is known for. Some chairs will be provided, but everyone is
encouraged to bring their own chairs or blankets to sit on and enjoy
the zoysia grass. For more information, visit the Ground Up & Rising webpage, or call (305) 673-7256 ext. 201.
Wednesdays, July 25th, August 1st and 8th
Thursday, August 9th
10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Up & Rising, a non-profit theater and film organization with a
vision "to replace the safe and already treaded with the avant-garde and
risque," will be performing three plays using the garden as their
natural stage.
performances are free, and run about an hour. Th e two running for the
month of August are contemporary adaptations of classic Shakespearean
works, Julius Caesar, (August 11th) and Macbeth (August 26th). The producer, Arturo Fernandez, has been named as one of the Top 20 Artists Under 40 by the Miami Times, and was given the 2010 Theater Visionary Award by the Miami ArtZine, amongst other accolades.
Wednesdays, July 25th, August 1st and 8th
Free Children’s Arts
and Crafts
and Crafts
Special Edition: Disney Promo and Giveaways!
The last three sessions of our free arts and crafts summer camp for children ages 5-12 ends this month, and we're celebrating with giveaways promoting the garden-themed movie, The Odd Life of Timothy Green. At all three sessions we will be handing out posters and giving you fun ideas for outdoor activities and craft projects using recycled magazines. There is also a place to donate unused socks for needy families in colder climes (Socks are a crucial element in the movie, when Timothy Green tries to hide leaves growing from his feet). Hanes will match donations of up to 10,000 socks and donate them to the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions.
We will also be giving away free tickets to the movie's pre-screening at all of the following locations:
Come claim your tickets, make new friends, create environmental art, and watch the trailer here!
Friday August 3rd
We will also be giving away free tickets to the movie's pre-screening at all of the following locations:
7/30th 7PM
8/8th 7PM
Tuesday, August 14th 7PM
Muvico Pompano
Come claim your tickets, make new friends, create environmental art, and watch the trailer here!

7 to 10 p.m.
Murder Mystery Evening
You'll have the "crime" of your life with this interactive murder mystery show presented by the one-woman theater Barbara Fox. Members of the audience will receive lines to read, as well as clues and information to help solve the crime. Visit her website to learn more about these hilariously fun evenings, and call Mrs. Fox at (786) 683-6078 or email mysterymenu@aol.com to reserve your spot. Reservations required. $21 cost includes snacks and drinks.
6 to 10 p.m.
Documentary Premier: Bimini to Miami Blue, with Surfrider Foundation
The environmental foundation Surfrider invites everyone to watch the free premiere of their new documentary, Bimini to Miami Blue, which follows two members of Surfrider, Bill Whiddon and Thad Foote become the first people ever to cross the Gulf Stream on paddleboards. The 60+ mile journey lasted just over 17 hours.
"It was paddle, hydrate, eat and paddle more,” Whiddon, 58, said in a
press release. “We did battle with a 40-minute squall within the first
hour of leaving the Bahamas, and the seas went from flat to 3-foot
swells breaking into us.”
The two men met the challenge to raise awareness for Surfrider's Rise Above Plastics campaign (RAP). This campaign is to help push Florida legislature to adopt a new statewide recycling goal of 75% by 2020. Read more about the importance of this goal here.
Sunday, August 19th
4 to 6 p.m.
Sunflower Society School Art Exhibit
To learn more about this event, contact Marjorie York, Program Coordinator of the Sunflower Society at (305) 673-5770.
Thursday, August 29th
Let's stop being in automatic pilot mode. Connect with your own truth and learn tools to honor yourself as a wonderful human and spiritual being. Become aware of the options you have and learn to love yourself. The Embrace Life program uses guided imagery, movement, music, writing and drawing to create inner balance. A resident of Miami Beach, Miriam is a practitioner of Jungian psychotherapy and movement therapy. For more information, call (305) 793-8213.
Saturday, September 1st
To polish your professional presentations, engage in social circles with greater ease, or champion a community cause, effective communication is essential. Toastmasters is an international non-profit organization with nearly 235,000 members. No matter what your experience, you will take something of value away from each meeting. Guests are always welcome to attend for free. Come find out what makes or breaks a great speech at this special contest meeting! To join and learn more, visit www.miamibeachtoastmasters.com
Wednesdays in August
Noon to 5 p.m.
To learn more about this event, contact Marjorie York, Program Coordinator of the Sunflower Society at (305) 673-5770.
7 to 10 p.m.
Miriam Steinberg's Embrace Life TalkLet's stop being in automatic pilot mode. Connect with your own truth and learn tools to honor yourself as a wonderful human and spiritual being. Become aware of the options you have and learn to love yourself. The Embrace Life program uses guided imagery, movement, music, writing and drawing to create inner balance. A resident of Miami Beach, Miriam is a practitioner of Jungian psychotherapy and movement therapy. For more information, call (305) 793-8213.
Saturday, September 1st
10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Toastmasters Humorous Speech and Evaluation ContestTo polish your professional presentations, engage in social circles with greater ease, or champion a community cause, effective communication is essential. Toastmasters is an international non-profit organization with nearly 235,000 members. No matter what your experience, you will take something of value away from each meeting. Guests are always welcome to attend for free. Come find out what makes or breaks a great speech at this special contest meeting! To join and learn more, visit www.miamibeachtoastmasters.com
Wednesdays in August
Noon to 5 p.m.
The Wholesome Grocer

August events sponsored by: